Easy Spring Crafts for Kids
As spring approaches, we're starting to think about spring crafts for kids in this house: butterflies, birds, flowers, bird feeders...
Below you'll find a collection of great spring crafts to do with the kids. There are great crafts for everyone from the preschoolers to the older kids: toilet paper roll crafts, paper crafts, sun catchers, and so much more!

Birds, Bugs, and Butterfly Crafts
Clothespin butterflies | Crafts by Amanda - Super simple watercolor butterflies to make with the kids.
Easy paper butterflies | One Crazy Mom - Ridiculously easy paper butterflies to make with the kids. Also adorable.
Toilet paper roll butterflies | Look We're Learning - These are cute and easy to make with the kids.
Bug and butterfly suncatchers | Printables Fairy - Make these gorgeous suncatchers with the kids with some Sharpies and black glue (instructions and printable included).
Coffee filter butterflies | Honey and Lime Co - These colorful butterflies are adorable and amazingly easy for the kids to make.
Felt bird bookmarks | Sustain My Craft Habit - Make some bookmarks out of felt and a paperclip. I love these!
Cardboard tube birds | Crafts by Amanda - These are super simple for the kids to make. And adorable.

Faux stained-glass butterflies | One Crazy Mom - Make these beautiful faux stained glass butterflies with this printable template. Easy for the kids to color or paint.
Painted rock bird magnets | Sustain My Craft Habit - Turn rocks into birds for your fridge? Yes!
Egg carton bugs | Fun with Mama - Make these cute bees and bugs out of egg cartons with the kids.
Coffee filter lady bug | Look We're Learning - Turn a coffee filter into a ladybug with some crayons and construction paper. Genius!

Spring Flower Crafts
Easy paper flowers | The Inspiration Edit - A super simple and beautiful craft for little hands to make.
Coffee filter flowers | Look We're Learning - Coffee filters and crayons (plus glue and paper) is all you need to make these cute flowers.
Playdough flowers | Fun with Mama - What a great preschool activity! Make spring flowers with beads and playdough.
Felt flower crown | Party with Unicorns - Make a super cute flower crown for your littles out of felt.
Paper flower wreath | The Inspiration Edit - A gorgeous spring craft to make with the kids and hang on the wall.
Cupcake wrapper flowers | Craft Bits - Make these super cute flowers with the kids in just a few minutes with a handful of supplies.
More coffee Filter Flowers | Kitchen Table Classroom - These gorgeous hydrangea-inspired flowers are surprisingly easy to make.
Egg carton flowers | The Inspiration Edit - These are beautiful and super simple for the kids to make. Flowers out of egg cartons and popsicle sticks!

Handprint Spring Crafts
Handprint caterpillar | The Soccer Mom Blog - Turn construction paper, pipe cleaners, and pom poms into a caterpillar.
Handprint butterfly | Simple Everyday Mom - Make a butterfly out of card stock. Super cute.
Another handprint butterfly | The Keele Deal - This handprint butterfly is made from contruction paper and googly eyes. Super simple for little hands to make.
Handprint chick | Simple Everyday Mom - This adorable chick has handprint wings. More cute.

More Spring Crafts
Spring tree craft | Projects with Kids - This craft is deceptively simple. Coiled paper flowers on a painted tree.
Cotton ball rainbow | Crayons and Cravings - Make a rainbow with the kids. Cotton balls, paint, and ribbon. Then hang it on the wall.
DIY rainstick | Crafting with Kids - A rainstick from a paper towel roll. Genius!
Painted fairy houses | Projects with Kids - Turn clay pots into fairy houses. so adorable.
Peeps painting | Mama Cheaps - Turn peeps into bunny stamps. What a great kid craft!
Start seeds in an egg carton | Pink Fortitude - A craft that doubles as a garden = a great spring project for the littles.
Pine cone bird feeders | Mud Paper Scissors - Cover some pine cones in peanut butter (or sunbutter) and bird seed and hang them on a tree. Instant bird feeder!
Rebecca is a chaplain at a girls’ school, a mom to boys, and a crafter of all things. She crochets in every free moment she has, and she spends much of her time gluing cotton balls to toilet paper rolls and mopping up glitter.